This Agreement of Terms & Condition of Service (hence forth called as Agreement) is entered between you or the organization you represent (“You”), and Vcidex Solutions Pvt Ltd (“Vcidex”).

This Agreement governs the terms of service provided under the brand name Storyboard ERP (hereafter referred as “SB-ERP”) offered by Vcidex at the website

By using our services, you are explicitly agreeing to the terms of service mentioned in this Agreement below.


Storyboard ERP name and Storyboard ERP logo are trademark property of Vcidex Solutions Pvt Ltd. You agree to use this Trademark only after receiving explicit written permission from Vcidex.

Description of Services

Vcidex offers a range of Services as stated in the website website.

These Services may be accessed online using an Internet browser supported by these Services.

These Services include –

  • 1) Storyboard ERP for Trading/Services
  • 2) Storyboard ERP for Manufacturing
  • 3) Storyboard Purchase
  • 4) Storyboard CRM
  • 5) Storyboard HR (HRMS & Payroll)

Vcidex reserves the right to add, change or remove any service modules in the future.

You may use these services for personal and professional use. To use these services, you need to create an account on website.

You may use one or more of the modules offered under these Services. The terms of this Agreement will apply to any of the modules you may choose to use.

Acceptance of the Terms

You must be of legal age in order to accept the Terms of this agreement. You may accept the Terms by checking clicking on a button indicating your acceptance of the terms. Further, you are explicitly agreeing to the terms of this Agreement once you start using the Services.

User Account

For accessing the services offered at, you need to sign up and create an user account. During the user sign up process, you agree to provide accurate information about yourself and your organization. We will be using your email address to verify your account and establish your identity as well as send you account access credentials such as passwords. You agree to provide a valid email address that will help in the account verification process.

Each account will be allocated 5 GB space that can be used for uploading images, documents and other account related content. If you need to use more than 5 GB space, please contact

User ID and Password

While using the system, the User will choose/create a password and is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and the account.The User is fully responsible for all activities that occur while using their password or account.

It is the duty of the User to notify the admin immediately in writing of any unauthorized use of their password or account or any other breach of security.

Vcidex will not be liable for any loss that may be incurred by the User as a result of unauthorized use of his password or account, either with or without his knowledge. The User shall not use anyone else's password at any time.

Fees and Payments

Vcidex will charge you for the services that you may use at The pricing details of these services are published at

Once you sign up for our services and choose to purchase our services, you agree to make payments using credit card, Online fund transfer.

You will be required to submit information about a valid payment information that you want to use to make payments to Vcidex.

For services offered in the SaaS (Software as a Service) form factor, you may be charged on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis as per the features and payment plan you choose.

Your billing cycle starts on the day you sign up for our services. You agree to make these payments on a regular basis. We will charge you automatically as per your payment plan.

We may choose to give a free evaluation period (or trial) where you can evaluate our services. You will not be charged for the entire length of the trial period. Your billing will start at the end of the trial period.

For any queries on fees and payments, please contact

Refund Policy

All Sales are final. If you choose to cancel our services at any time, you will be not be refunded the amount corresponding to time left in your billing cycle.

Schedule Maintenance

The services available at may not be available for scheduled maintenance based on the necessity for upgrading or fixing issues.

Prior notice will be served before starting the scheduled maintenance with expected downtime details.

Acceptable Use

You agree to use the services in a fair manner for your personal or professional use. You shall not transfer our services to another user or third party. You shall not resell our Services to other users without prior written permission from Vcidex.

You shall not provide additional services on top of our Services without prior written permission from Vcidex.

Spamming and Illegal Activities

You are solely responsible for contents that you upload, create or edit at

You agree not to violate intellectual property rights of Vcidex or any other user. You shall not use for spamming or phishing activities.

You shall not upload or create any material that is illegal, abusive, obscene, racist, or harmful in any way to other users of

Vcidex reserves the right to terminate your account and access to our services if we believe that you are using our website for any illegal activities.

Personal Information and Privacy

Please refer to our Privacy Policy on how we handle your personal information that you declare at .

Your user account and access credentials are private information that belongs to you. You are responsible for keeping this information private and confidential.

We are not liable for any harm of monetary damage arising from theft or accidental loss of your account access information.

Data Handling

During the course of using our Services, you may create, upload or edit content on our website. This content will be considered as data owned by you. While you are the owner of this data, Vcidex shall have the right to transmit, store, retrieve, archive or backup such data for efficiency and business continuity of our website.

Safety of Data Downloaded

The User understands and agrees that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service is done entirely at their own discretion and risk and they will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer systems or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/or data. Nevertheless, Vcidex will always make its best endeavours to ensure that the content on its websites or other information channels are free of any virus or such other malwares.


You may upload content to that you hold copyrights for.

You agree not to violate any copyrights in any form including plagiarism, posting other people content without written permission from them, citations without due credit to sources, uploading documents without permission from document owners, and revealing other people confidential information such as passwords, personal profiles and credit card information.

In case of violation of copyright, Vcidex reserves the right to terminate the user account and access to Services.

Disclaimer of Warranties

You understand and agree that you are using services from at your own risk.

The Services offered at are on as-is basis. Vcidex does not make any warranty that our services will be continuous or uninterrupted.

Vcidex disclaims warranties of any kind arising from downloading any material from including damages to your computer or mobile phone that you use to access these Services.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that Vcidex shall not be liable for any losses or damages related to loss of business profits, interruption of business, loss of information or any other type of direct or indirect losses arising from use of our Services.

Further Vcidex shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from prolonged non-availability of our Services due to whatever reasons. In such cases, you may choose to cancel our services. In all such cases, our liability will be limited to the fees that you have paid towards our services.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Vcidex, its officers, directors, and employees, from and against any losses and damages arising out of or relating to any claims that you have used the Services in violation of another party's rights as per terms in this Agreement.


Any controversy arising out of terms of this Agreement shall be settled in Chennai and in accordance arbitration rules of India

We may suspend or terminate your account due to non-payment of fees. We may also suspend or terminate your account if we believe that you have violated terms of this Agreement related to Acceptable Use, Copyright, Spamming and Illegal Activities. We may suspend of terminate accounts that have been inactive for 6 months or more.

Modification of Terms of Service

We may modify the Terms from time to time. We will notify you of any such modifications to our terms of service. If do not accept the modified terms of service, you may choose to discontinue with our services. If you choose to continue using our services, then you are explicitly agreeing to our new, modified terms of service.